Monday, December 13, 2010

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Ansia e scimmie sentinella

Displaying an anxious temperament seems, in most cases, one aspect of our identity that creates unease and a sense of inadequacy. Caring for oneself and for others dissipates considerable energy vital to the constant sense of alertness, which is subjected to the whole body. But this condition reveals at the same time significant evolutionary advantage: within groups of anthropoid primates, where there is a strict hierarchy of roles, there are the so-called "guardians", especially monkeys hypersensitive with the task of vigilance. If sight
potential enemies (predators) have the task of alerting the other components in order to facilitate the escape or quick search of shelter.
These behavioral roles remain active and deeply rooted even in higher mammals like humans. The problem is that humans have forgotten the providential function of the species: unaware of the important role of sentries, they pay on their skin the apparent futility of anxiety.


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