Thursday, January 6, 2011

Congratulation Msg About Pregnancy

New Layout for the blog (Graphic)

First of all, speaking of graphics, I think it is right to open this section illustrates the evolution that has been the layout of this blog, taking it to be what it is now. Initially it was much simpler and straightforward, and the background was black.

*** First of all, speaking about graphics, is fair to start eough Describing this bolg's evolution. Initially the layout Was simplier and the black background Was

This type of layout was too difficult to manage, both for legibility and for photos to be included, and perhaps too staid compared to the message he wanted to transmit, so here's the new layout, lighter.
This layout anyway, maybe I was too tricky and too Considering the serious message to share, I know, It Was born the second version, easier.

This version gave me the inspiration to search for a distinctive mark, logo, matching the theme of the background to be used in photos. ... research has led to find this butterfly.

With this version I needed a distinctive mark, a logo, in Accordance with the background theme, to be used in the pictures as a copyright mark .. I know I found this little butterfly

was not enough though .... I kept looking for a source of inspiration, to find this
It Was not enough though, I know I Kept searching for inspiration, until I found that
Aveva l’aspetto che cercavo, e trasmetteva il feeling che volevo: un qualcosa di ruvido, tipo carta (lo sfondo), ma al tempo stesso ricercato, come un pizzo (il cuore) e dal sapore vintage/urban..da qui è nato questo

It was the right one! It has the right feeling: rude as a paper (the bacground), but sophisticated as a crochet (the hearth) and with a vintage/urban attire..the perfect match. So from that I created this
E quindi l’intenzione di rendere ogni immagine come una polaroid, incorniciata in quest’atmosfera trasognante; ecco quindi la cornice di ogni foto.
And then the idea to make each picture as a polaroid picture, so I created the frame for the photo

Da qui l’esigenza di avere uno sfondo e un’impostazione più ordinata, meno caotica, più leggera e soprattutto più BIANCA! (così da dare risalto all’oggetto e ai suoi colori).
Ed ecco quindi il il nuovo layout del blog come lo vedete oggi! Sicuramente cambierà di nuovo, spero in meglio, ma per ora sono molto soddisfatta, sento di aver trovato quello che cerco…almeno fino alla prossima ispirazione ;)
And finally, I looked for a background less busy, easier and, first of all, WHITE!! (to put in evidence the item’s colours).

So here it is, the blog as you can see it today. Surely it’ll change again in the future, but I’m satisfied for now, I feel I found what I was looking for, at least until the next inspiration ;)


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